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Whats important in life?

13 февраля 2010 14:43

OK folks lets see what a real priority in life shall we :)

Firstly has to be a job, cause we can not pay bills by telling someone they are nice.

Secondly has to be friendship, friends stick with you during the good time and the bad and never let any relationships spoil a friendship, cause the relationship might not last and you'll need friends to be there for you.

Thirdly has to be LIFE itself, some of you on here are only in your 20's and trying to find a gf/bf then to become married. My friend Michael got married at 21, hes now 35 and not seen half the things i've seen and sometimes envies me but then he has a wonderfull family now. But i've had such a good time going here and there and meting interesting people.


Ключевые слова: life289

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Комментарии (6)

sedat d. 15 февраля 2010 16:17

agree, surely health!

Ian F. 15 февраля 2010 04:09

Sorry my @ but me very good friend Mrs Verdolde is right, Health comes first.

lion i. 15 февраля 2010 00:23

First is love,second is be loved

Удалённый пользователь 13 февраля 2010 17:56

Oh yes, that's was what I wanted to add. Friends may come and go but family will be always there (inescapable). A lesson learned last Christmas..

Ian F. 13 февраля 2010 17:52

Good one, forgot about that for a minute, gonna add family to cause they are your blood after all.

Удалённый пользователь 13 февраля 2010 17:51

First is the health. because without good health we can't work, can't go out and find friends or enjoy life.
But as for friendships - friendships also don't last forever and sometimes you find it in the hard way that what you thought was a friendship is very easily taken away by being apart (that is - as soon as you don't hang in front of their eyes daily, they quickly forget).

