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Special notice for Latvian girls who talk with Pakistani boys who live in UK , they chat with girls only for Europe visa

31 мая 2010 00:58

My name is Svetlana. I want inform all girls who chat with student Pakistani people all Pakistani people who live in London and are on student visa or temperory visa first talk in inbox then skype and then show web camera . and after words invite to visit for London. If any girl say I don’t have ticket money they do ticket their main target is to marry with girls and get Europe visa after they get visa after three months then they tell to girl to fuck off and leave girls on street and go some where.

This experience happened with me and my three friends that’s why I want inform all the girls who talk with Pakistani boys please be careful about marriage and going to London. Thanks

Ключевые слова: very important9

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Комментарии (40)

Hasan A. 21 февраля 2013 10:43

Peterbald u r right

Peterbald S. 6 января 2013 00:43

I'm Latvian girl living in London.

Wake up Svetlana, I'm very sorry to hear about your sad experience,but you need to realise that you brought it on yourself in a way,no one asked you or forced you to marry him,it was your choice,also don't ever and I mean ever judge people on their nationality!
This is also applicable to few of commentators on your blog, there are good and bad people in every single country,you can't just paint all Pakistanis black or white, I personally have friends from all over the world, including Pakistan, and believe me, I haven't got anything bad to say, and also some commentators should realise there are good and bad people in Latvia too, I'm proud to be Latvian,and I'm proud to have Pakistani friends, some humanity and being more wiser who you chat to and make friends as a result would help.
Wish you good luck and less judgement on people.

Exotic G. 29 апреля 2012 12:04

Yes Svetlana what you write is very useful piece of information and true ..... but thinking objectively part of the blame lies with you also for not checking them properly ... I am not a paki but why blame the paki only .... r u you not to blame ( whatever nationality you are ) .... you saw that they guy has money and u went blind to the rest of the story .... there is a crisis in pakistan and boys want to run from there .. there is a crisis in Latvia and girls want to run from here ..... many girls look for money here and see that in the tickets  etc and the boys from pak look for better life and hence they invest in your ticket for a visa ..... so the women need to be more vigilant ourselves ... i know many men here are using the code word of money to make friends  and try to use Latvian women ..... read the profiles they even boast of 1000 friends ... see what type of friends they have ... it will be clear that the girls want money and the men want women .... the writing is on the wall for all to see... HOWEVER there are also good men and good women here who are clever and intellegent and that is why we all are still happy and surviving :)) best of luck for the future :))

Andy R. 3 декабря 2010 12:38

There are many Pakistanis, Indians, Africans etc pulling scams over here and all over the world. Most of these crimes are commited by foreigners that come to England with just one intention - most should not be here are are more than likely illegal imigrants.
I run a established escort business here in UK as well as other businesses, it makes life very hard for genuine companies like ours to exist.
If you are looking to come to the UK then you are best to deal with UK (English)  citizens that are born (registered) here. When i go Latvia i only ever deal with Latvians or Russian / Latvians, I am not saying all English men are honourable far from it, but you have a better chance of finding what you are looking for.


Ian F. 4 ноября 2010 15:23

@ Basharat Raja, Sham marriages are not rare, i'm from the UK and here all the time about it and trust me its p***ing us all of over here.

Удалённый пользователь 6 августа 2010 18:44

Darling ...
this happens all over the world ...
I think that is the result of  modern time,
people who do not have ruthlessly
all people should analyze .. what they want in life ..,
to take this attitude with his feet firmly on earth
should start well else .. Just try it if the other person is telling the truth ...

There are bad people on the planet ,.... and good people too ...

Duncan B. 14 июля 2010 12:50

привет Света! Я с табою абсалютно солидарен в этом плане! Бывали такие случаи по началу когда Латвия вступила в ЕС и девчёнки в поисках лучшей жизни ехали в Великобританию вместе со своими парнями вскоре ухадили от них к этим уродам! так вот, по истечению месяца/двух девушки прибегали к нам обратно в слезах в халатике через немалое расстрояние, их новобранцы прелдожили им переспать ради забавы с их КАУЗАНАМИ... или же бывало просили привести подругу/сестру потому как они заоблочно красивые и потом с ними тут уже беседовали ...
Света вообщем ты молодец что это сдесь написала.. надеюсь девушки будут поумереннее

Basharat R. 15 июня 2010 18:05

  Its Raja and from Kashmir Pakistan. I am quiet agree with u my dear but its not totally true. May be there are some guys who do these shits for visa purpose but u cant generalize it. It may be some time by the mutual understanding of girl and boy and the boys have to pay for it. Its my opinion and I might be wrong or right. But I think it happens but rarely. U cant blame all the pakistani guys.
with regards,

JOHN C. 6 июня 2010 08:07

tell me 1 thing...
why u accept the ticket...?
Did you give any kind of facilities to your x husband...?
what you do with that guy?
dont show us 1 side....
did you try to support your x?
if you are thinking like that its mean your X do right...
what he do with you now you want the revenge .. but you cant ..
so please stop this drama...
no 1 force you to go for f**ck... that was your decision ... now please dont say any thing about Pakistani .. ok
now find a UK resident & marry him... i think he dont need any visa ...
no excuses then... just try ok...
have a nice new experience ...  

Winston C. 5 июня 2010 21:52

If you are back here in Latvia, I would suggest to get a job in Gan Bei as maybe, you already can speak Paki language, just a thought...

rob d. 3 июня 2010 05:02

good for you svetlana
speak your truth

svetlana m. 3 июня 2010 04:07

what i will have to write i wrote about my experience and now it is people decision who /take it serious or who think i am stupit girl and saying my personal things to other girls

Roosevelt T. 2 июня 2010 23:56

believe me even she doesn't care....she even dont write just one word....open blog and go sleep....

mushi m. 2 июня 2010 23:50

hey lovely and beautiful girl...i just want to say..five finger is not same....its ur missunderstanding..and ur destiny..wel its not to late everything u lern after mistake..hv a nice one

malm k. 2 июня 2010 19:27

intikhab shah ::::::::::::::  you are belong from panjab,, dont chit with erupoian nice people . please never true any paki

Удалённый пользователь 2 июня 2010 08:27

Riiiiiiiiight, Intikhab... Before you write you should check for facts how many fictious marriages with Pakistanis are being made all the time! It is a big thing in Ireland, you know.  And yes, the Pakistanis DO marry for the visa. Check the government websites, if you think that is my own delusions. I already have received a few of those silly offers. I don't support those girls either, they are poor, naive and think that a few thousand euros will solve their problems. And of course, there are also many who will be led to think that there is love (oh yes, Latvian guys are not that adept at pouring syrop (compliments) in the girls ears as Pakistanis) and will find themselves to be used just for the papers.
Therefore I say - don't generalize that all Pakistanis are good and all Latvians are greedy. There are good Pakistanis and there are bad ones. Just like there is good and bad, stupid and clever or greedy and altruistic people in any nation.

intikhab s. 2 июня 2010 02:17

Dea Svetlana, i m really sorry 2 say, u just make pakistani people bad here...WAT ABOUT LATVIAN GIRLS??? Why they talk wid them, they don't have boys there in latvia. Now u i tekk u the truth, all latvian girls are cheap and hungry of money. Yes dat's truth, all girls 4rm russia, they don't love man but their money , money n money, n then its pakistani guy or american guy, u don't care coz u need money. Pakistani guys r gud n they love all girls....N we don't marry for visa....Latvian girls marry for money.....Cheap girls.......

Winston C. 2 июня 2010 01:03

Svetlana, did you get a job at least??? In his corner shop?

Удалённый пользователь 1 июня 2010 19:15

I thought Eastern European females did not like Pakistanis so why chat with them

john d. 1 июня 2010 10:27

yes very true spoils it for the men who are looking for love and nothing more

