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be careful of pakistani boys

6 июня 2010 03:13

My name is Svetlana. I want inform all girls who chat with student Pakistani people all Pakistani people who live in London and are on student visa or temperory visa first talk in inbox then skype and then show web camera . and after words invite to visit for London. If any girl say I don’t have ticket money they do ticket their main target is to marry with girls and get Europe visa after they get visa after three months then they tell to girl to fuck off and leave girls on street and go some where.

This experience happened with me and my three friends that’s why I want inform all the girls who talk with Pakistani boys please be careful about marriage and going to London. Thanks

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Комментарии (28)

Nauman A. 11 октября 2013 13:22

Hi dear
I m sorry if it happend with u. I m a pakistani. I have many friends from EU or AU
and i m looking for my bride as well but i never ask any one for visa just want care and i will be happy if she love to live with me in pakistan

Figa D. 13 июля 2010 21:03

Svetlana drosmīga meiča, kas uzrakstījusi savu pieredzi :)
Latviešu meitenēm ir jāuzmanās vai jābūt gudrākām :)
1. piem. Londonā ir ļoti daudz aziāti, kas strādā nelikumīgi, izmantojot tūrisma vīzas.
2. ir daudz tādi, kas tiešām meklē naivas meičas pēc scenārija - (no nabadzīgākām Eiropas valstīm) apberot ar skaistiem vārdiem, dažiem spīgulīšiem, smukajiem šalvāriņiem u.t.t. līdz kāzām. Bet to dara tādi netalantīgie un nabadzīgie, normāls džeks iespējams pat izstāstīs par saviem patiesajiem nolūkiem un pat pārvērtīs to darījumām par attiecīgu naudas summu (laulības uz laiku papīra sakarā). Šo es no pašiem paki džekiem esmu dzirdējusi, ka ir ļoti jāuzmanās :)
Tāpēc iesaku būt īstenām gudrajām latvietēm un painteresēties par vīzas esamību, aplūkot to, painteresēties par izglītību (jo netalantīgie studenteļi diez ko cienīgi vīra vārda nebūs), visbeidzot painteresēties par ģimeni un pakomunicēt ar kādu, jo īstens musulmanis, ar patiesiem nolūkiem noteikti būs informējis ģimeni par gaidāmajām laulībām ... iesaku pastudēt islāma valstu kultūru :)
Ko nu vēl ... atcerēties 1001 nakts pasakas, iz bērnības grāmatām, painteresēties par austrumnieku tirgošanās manierēm, tad secināsiet, ka viss teiktais ir jāpārbauda reālajā dzīvē, pasakas viņi stāsta paši neapzinādamies to, ka melot ir slikti, kā tas ir pieņemts mūsu kultūrā :)
Sveicieni visiem foršajiem paki puikām un ar rungu pa muguru blefotājiem, kuriem 1 sieva pakistānā,otra amerikā, abas par vienas un otras esamību nezin, džekiņš tik saražo bērnus un rullē BMW :D
Kā tas var būt, elementāri mošejā slēgtās laulības (tās,kas islāmiskajās valstīs), Eiropā nav likumīgas :P līdz ar to, čalis brīvs kā putns un precas piem. ar 2. sievu pēc LV likumiem un tikumiem :D
Nu palasās likumus, tur acis vaļā un tā mīļās tautietes :) think just positive but keep your eyes open ;)

Удалённый пользователь 23 июня 2010 19:00

If you go to london , because they pay you ticket , you put yourself wery low , whay you dont invate them to visit you,

It is non this thinks for low level persons  , but you make first fault so they dont thrust you ??????? you go with sambody just for one ticket , and with Air Baltic it is wery good price to visit london , what mistake ????????????????????????

Удалённый пользователь 16 июня 2010 23:34

Good and Bad everywhere..  

However here is a news article update on Marriage Scams involving Asian Guys and EU Girls..


Удалённый пользователь 16 июня 2010 03:34

i dont now what svetlana medvedeva want to describe, but i suggest her that she first look at her that why she belive in 15 days, and i now many of the girls on the net from Europe who want money and in the chat demand gifts and like these things i also cheated on internet by one Finlands girl
but i now not all the peoples are same

JOHN C. 13 июня 2010 07:59

write in Latvian or Russian...
that will be good...lol
there are some other sites like  One.lv & fry  post this there as well..
public city ... you become very famous ...
best of luck...

Ian F. 9 июня 2010 16:59

Good advice Svetlana, and they treat women like sh*t

Roosevelt T. 9 июня 2010 00:48

Winston .....How can you be with a girl 14 years old ???? Are you sick ???
What kind of familky you have ...you are a bad pedophile !!!  

Winston C. 9 июня 2010 00:40

That's the only thing I can agree with you Roosie! Let's start with you, should we?

Roosevelt T. 9 июня 2010 00:31

all of pedophiles must be killed !!!

Roosevelt T. 9 июня 2010 00:24

be carefull about pedofiles....like as Winston ....

Winston C. 9 июня 2010 00:05

I would better put it like this... Be carful of "some" men, "some"cultures and religions that support and it's normal to beat their women - surely next time you will be more careful too!

Winston C. 8 июня 2010 20:54

Hey Donuts delivery guy, did you just get that now?

Удалённый пользователь 8 июня 2010 19:10

An interesting feature of Amigos is that if you put your page viewing language to English, then Amigos only highlights English language blogs to your viewing..

Similarly, In Latvian language only Latvian blogs.. Russian, Russian Blogs..

Change your language settings to LV or RU and see all the other blog entries.. :-)

Most Latvian girls will be viewing Amigos in LV or RU and wont see English blog postings..

So Svetlana, If you want to warn Latvian girls to be wary of the true intentions of Pakistan (and other) men, then I suggest you publish your blog in Latvian and Russian languages (after amending your page viewing language)

The other benefit is that you wont get as many childish replies from non EU based men.. :-)

Roosevelt T. 8 июня 2010 15:03

belive me no one prefer one-night stands  with you....neither one-SECOND stands

Удалённый пользователь 8 июня 2010 13:48

Yes, actually continuing the topic of Jeff Mason, I've heard that some researchers have found a connection between a man's level of intellect and infidelity. Namely, the men with higher intellect were less likely to go cheating on their wives or just go for one-night stands (in case they were single). Of course, any scientist will know that actually correlation doesn't mean causality and there are exceptions both ways, but that is a notable trend.

rob d. 8 июня 2010 13:39

+1 Jeff Mason

Удалённый пользователь 8 июня 2010 01:46

It's not just the Paks, but the Aussies come to Riga just for sex, Latinos are the same, Most come to Latvija for sex, I'm not Brit/American, but I'm Am/Brit, alot of
difference, I come to take fotos of the buildings in Old Town, as well as the sea, It is
the one thing I have learnt, I think with the big head, not the little one, the little one
doesn't care, but a mans brain, needs more control, "Hey, I'm A Man, I Screw Up,
But I'm Man Enough To Admit It" most men won't.

Удалённый пользователь 7 июня 2010 03:11

This is also because you were willing to go and marry someone you knew was looking for a girl to have fun and get a passport. Is it time we all assume our responsibility?

Roosevelt T. 7 июня 2010 00:40

Oh Belinde sweety....do you have same experience....will you share with us please

