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sex or love_?

1 сентября 2010 18:21

which important for marriage? sex or love...

Ключевые слова: şilkjhgfcd13

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Комментарии (33)

eM r. 14 сентября 2010 01:29

so wc, did my last comment fit on you? did u able to find a suitable vegatable for urself ? seems still not.... :/
old buddy, u are again and again wrong, I m not in my 20's, and I m not living with my family, and mr looser, if I decide to get married somehow, I will not go on to be here, so u will have to find someone else to shut ur mouth up.... ;)
have a good sleep with that cucumber, and be careful! :)

Roosevelt T. 8 сентября 2010 02:04

I mean his wife...

Roosevelt T. 8 сентября 2010 02:03

FckWinston, At least her wife can sleep...but your never sleep ..she always work....pls stop selling your wife

Winston C. 8 сентября 2010 00:32

Hey Emre, did that my last comment fit you? Seems so!!! You are enjoying your 20's something, so get real because soon you can only be in Amigos after your wife is asleep... - after you get married and leaving parents house, of course

eM r. 6 сентября 2010 23:30

no stable answer for this... depends on person and his/her mood.. sometimes u need sex, sometimes u need love, and if u are lucky enough u may have the both, unfortunately most of us do not have so much luck...

eM r. 6 сентября 2010 23:26

and wc, considering the way u speak, and where u are from, we need to find u something, ofcourse not a a wife, something that has the same level piece of brain as u have, maybe a kind of vegatable... most probably u have ur own style, pollens maybe ?

Winston C. 6 сентября 2010 22:06

Considering the way you "speak", and where you are from... for marriage you just need your parents to arrange with another family... a wife for you... no matter how old is she. :)

martin n. 6 сентября 2010 20:43

what is your choice?

Winston C. 6 сентября 2010 20:42


ILCapo D. 6 сентября 2010 06:48

ana bafadel el love aktar min el sex ( i prefer love more than sex ) Love is something Uniqe not any one  can gained it

martin n. 5 сентября 2010 17:02

why sex? or why love? or why money? say me...

wahid m. 4 сентября 2010 17:28

sex of corse

rane l. 4 сентября 2010 17:02

just sex

alonemen O. 4 сентября 2010 14:41

all tıme sex

tamed m. 4 сентября 2010 01:28

long story of love ,,,,, after that sexxxxxxxxx
my god

Удалённый пользователь 4 сентября 2010 00:31

if you fall in love with someone and they with you it will hopefully be continous and good sex.both are a part of marriage among with other traits such as trust and honesty.

Удалённый пользователь 3 сентября 2010 20:48

Inga... kā lai to tā maigāk pasaka. Nu, google translate nepadara Tavu domu skaidrāku angļu valodā. Tur ir sanācis diezgan spēcīgs šurum-burums, izņemot otro teikumu, kas vienīgais ir saprotams.

Domiņic I. 3 сентября 2010 19:49


Inga P. 3 сентября 2010 16:21

Two components cleverly ratio. Never believe in the saying that a marriage can exist without feelings of love. But sex is an integral part of a marriage that mīlestīu, supplemented by primary human tiekmi of children. Of course, over time, for sex are created by other applications, but prehistoric man and thee and me, as well as other people still alive.

Ian F. 2 сентября 2010 17:01

your family and friends are far much more important, and so is life :)  so enjoy it and stop thinking about getting a relationship or jumping in the sack with someone.

