Rxxxx V. September 9 2015 23:44

You can blow the case out of it, even crime case. And useless suggestion, do not paste your photos anywhere in the net.
P.S nice boobs on Elza Minzee(38) profile photo, but definitely younger than 38.

Blocked profile September 8 2015 17:39

Oh, that's sweet! Traditional costume?

Mahmoud W. September 6 2015 23:36

why you want use my own photos ???

Blocked profile September 5 2015 22:31

Raisa O. September 5 2015 16:57

андрей я. September 5 2015 15:24

и что тут?

Karim X. September 4 2015 21:45


maris m. September 4 2015 18:55

ok how are u?

Andžela K. September 3 2015 21:34

sorry???don t understand????

Blonde L. September 2 2015 17:04

Problema ir Elza Minzee izmanto fotogrāfijas

kristine Ķ. September 2 2015 13:07

tu sviesta esi sagajusi.ej dirst

Evija J. September 2 2015 02:02

Sorry, I did't understand what you wanted to say.

Ewa S. August 31 2015 23:53

hmmmm no idea whats going on

Blocked profile August 31 2015 22:16

ULDIS x. August 30 2015 21:40

you want look to me web cam...

Rast D. August 30 2015 16:28

my name Igor. Live in Riga.I need help. I bed speak english. but i want to learn. Iam russian. I learn English in scool moor time ego. Send Me Message and я выучу английский. И научишся по русски понимать и говорить.

Rast D. August 30 2015 14:54

Myname is Igor ! i live in Riga ! I like trance music !

jeff j. August 30 2015 14:24

The biggest fake Elza Minzee aka Walter seems to havebeen using your photos when you were younger no wonder they look so old

Raimonds R. August 28 2015 11:48

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