Blocked profile November 24 2013 18:04

he sent me naked foto
send this message with it.

walter theBest yesterday at 18:57

natalia cau
of course protams that is me
why you ask? are you shocked of the dimensioN??

all italian have big pimpis


WALTER T. November 16 2013 01:48

I wouldn't go Rome or Florence  if you paid me walter.... Because scum like you are there!

Blocked profile November 15 2013 09:50

Thank you Denis for information! By the way, I think it may be possible for you to edit your blog to add some additional text if you wish so.
Have been to Vilnius once (shameful, right? I guess that's because it's too close) but never really did any real sightseeing.

Denis C. November 15 2013 09:12

Answer to: Where exactly are those pictures taken? The second one looks like interesting ruin of something.
Second: Gediminas Castle close to the Vilnius Old Town, a symbol of Vilnius, first built in the beginning of 14th century. (failed to upload a picture including text)
The first was taken at the central point of Vilnius Old Town.

WALTER T. November 14 2013 23:45

Yet again Walter you spoil a perfectly nice blog with your obsession with Lizzy. You filthy animal

Alishan T. November 14 2013 23:02

Walter, don't make your case worse, come back home to oily chip shop!

The Great Chinese wall was built 11 century before Christs... Ruin or Romes are ruins... the prosperity of Rome is over for thousands of years when China is soon leading the world...

Italians are as degenerated as u, the pathetic unemployed evening salsa teacher... Beside it, we know u live at your old mummy in your loft room!

So come back where you belong to, we laugh so much when u are here at the shop!!

Blocked profile November 14 2013 10:59

Where exactly are those pictures taken? The second one looks like interesting ruin of something.

Kevin M. November 13 2013 22:21

nice pics Denis

WALTER T. November 13 2013 22:18

please water! don't spoil Denis's blog. Take up Alishans kind offer as we all know you will enjoy this :)

Alishan T. November 13 2013 21:57

There's nothing outrageous in John's comment... He has probably seen more in the world than you will ever do! You're brain damaged, come back to our chip shop, we'll grease u well with the pig fat u love so much lol

Blocked profile November 13 2013 18:06

Now you have done all three Baltic countries hope your trip was good.

Karim X. November 13 2013 17:29

hehe very nice!

Faizan K. November 8 2013 01:30

Its Pakistani Currency ...

Muhammad k. October 23 2013 20:05

Think Good then Result will be okz to u if u play to other then he will f..k u same we done to u ,

Blocked profile October 21 2013 00:10

Whatever happened to this piece of shit?

aza k. October 20 2013 00:42

Blocked profile October 12 2013 19:35

it should be writing
with walter he like a parrot always repeat himself like groundhog day with wishing people die of cancer and he tell phoning police such a sad person.

Blocked profile October 12 2013 16:50

walter he block me twice once with his fake elza minze profile which he have some years.on it he write men do not contact me but he have male friends on it showing genitals which we know walter like.he wrote on blog he last do that he not gay but straight maybe he bisexual seems so.
with walter he like a parrot always repeat himself like groundhog day with with wishing people die of cancer and phoning people such a sad person.

Blocked profile October 11 2013 16:22

in record «Traveling»
Blocked profile October 11 2013 16:21

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