Commonly said chat up lines on the internet (and the real meanings)

August 22 2010 16:55

For example :

I will help you come to the UK actually means I am desparate for a visa will you marry me so I can stay in the EU?

Keywords: chat and meeting26

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Comments (6)

Blocked profile August 28 2010 17:40

As for the "commonly said chat up lines", I can report some guys who have written somewhere their chat up lines and deal them out with unfailing repetition (even down to the last typo ), and sometimes even not noticing to whoom they have sent anything of that sort. Thus, I just received a message from a guy named "I am ALONEEEE" (and in my point of view likely to remain so ), which perfectly matched the same message sent 10 days ago  
"hi sweety girl. how are you ? ı kıss your lip. muaaa"
No hidden meaning there, but it just fits under the "common" part

Ian F. August 22 2010 17:11

oh I got ya :)) But Latvian roads are really special to some men Lina

Blocked profile August 22 2010 17:08

No, it was like "I like your pic on the road! can you take a picture of me in the same place?" Like there are many similar roads all over the world and so many people that can take a picture of him. That's such a bad way to invite a girl on a date :DDD

Ian F. August 22 2010 17:04

think that one has something to do with nudity Lina :D

Blocked profile August 22 2010 17:02

what does "Can you take a picture of me?" (said by a male) means? :D

Ian F. August 22 2010 16:59

I would love to see your house one day means i'd really like to sleep in the same bed as you

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