Peace Keeper or Peace Breaker

November 21 2012 16:59

How Many of you think that what israel doing to Plastine is right. and how many think that American are peace keeper or peace breaker.

Keywords: Peace13

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Comments (26)

Kevin M. November 21 2012 21:44

you need to take your own advice waltere because what you have described is yourself!

Karim X. November 21 2012 19:55

After the disaster in Irak and Afghanistan, America doesn't want to be involved anymore in Middle East affairs.. their strategic goal is now Asia, with its fast growing economies...

Of course what does Israel to Palestine is cruel... But we mustn't forget that in 1949 and in the following years, it's the Palestinians who attacked Israel... And in the middle of the 90's Palestine refused a great peace offer coming from Bill Clinton...

Palestine is corrupt, divided, not democratic... Israel does a lot against human rights, they kill kids, it's a drama and I condemn... But Palestine is not an example...

I don't think we will see a free Palestine in the coming years... Hamas doesn't want it, Israel not and the rest of the world doesn't want to get involved...

Roger K. November 21 2012 17:57

U.N is owed by U.S.A  don't you think that

Blocked profile November 21 2012 17:47

Its Gaza not Palestine.

Blocked profile November 21 2012 17:47

Its wrong.
Thought it was the UN who were the peace keepers.

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