Vakar bija ļoti auksts. Bet pie mums šodien spīd saule!
No Ķīnas novēlu es jums Priecīgu un Laimīgu Jauno Gadu!!!
Ķīniešu valodā mes sacām Xin Nian Kuai Le!
Keywords: Saule96, Laimīgu Jauno Gadu23
we all hate you waltere thats why people block you not realised this yet??
if you did not understand what miss lizzy deevee wrote, here my rough translation:
As I mentioned - you and Happy New Year! You might be fun to know that the New Year's table was laid and Chinese dumplings (Chinese dumplings), which was her husband's brother's wife (CHINESE) handmade. And at Christmas she regaled us with Peking duck.
i really dont know what it means in reality as she is used to write senseless history and used to block people without real reasons. like just me forever
Kā jau iepriekš - Tev arī Laimīgu Jauno Gadu! Tev varbūt būs jautri zināt, ka Jaunā Gada svinībās galdā tika likti arī ķīniešu pelmeņi (chinese dumplings), kas bija vīra brāļa sievas (ķīnietes) roku darbs. Un Ziemassvētkos viņa mūs cienāja ar Pekinas pīli.
hi denis,
i dont know what it is written in latvian but i would not reccommend you to receive wishes from JustMe Forever who blocked me for unreasonable reasons.
buon anno!!
Paldies Denis.
Un Tev laimīgu Jauno Gadu.
Happy New Year !