December 18 2013 11:45

Son, u piss me off with your nonsense blogs, so I want to tell u the truth. You're the son of a dirty ugly and retard cheap crackhead hore. I paid her 2000 liras (5 euros). It's about what  u are worth!  U have the same rate face and IQ than her. The same brain damage! And as she worked until u were born,  u enjoyed sperm in your face from that time! Nothing new! Now everybody on Amigos knows where your obsession for seed comes from!

You refused sleeping in bed when u were kid. U stayed with our dogs.  U used to lick their ass and play / eat their shit!! I even think u sucked them! Your mum was a hore and u became our dogs hore! your sick bastard!

The only woman u ever fucked in your life with your quarter of a spaghetti... was Old skin in Riga... Oh mama mia... she was the cheap hore...  u fucked your own hore mummy!! She knew it was u. She thought that at 43, it was about time u loose your virginity!

Shame on u son!! Motherfucker!!     

Fuck off from here or I tell to everybody Saturday at salsa what u  did!!

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Comments (4)

Aubrey t. December 18 2013 22:22

yes yes yes walter!!! you dirty old slag! we all hate you and enjoy you squirming with embarrassment at all these blogs with your photos in lol. VERY AMUSING! don't worry you old fuck, the blogs and photos of you will continue my lovely!

Blocked profile December 18 2013 17:44

why you let this happens waltere papa no wonder he damaged goods and retard

Alishan T. December 18 2013 11:59

no way?? I told u Walter that she was a lot like u! Let's meet up all together this evening in chip shop oily kitchen ad have a "family reunion" !!  

Namo T. December 18 2013 11:54

Daddy Walter, Old skin works near chip shop now! She is so dry we give her our old dirty oil! Walter and Old skin, such a family or hores!!

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