Jobs Creation in Latvia

7. aug 2011. 01:23

Latvia is passing through a very difficult time. Most of people are jobless in Latvia becauseof scarcity of jobs. The economy is not good enough. The investors are not investing money to creat new jobs. Majority of Latvians are trying to migerate into other countries in search of jobs.
We need more investors, the government should pay attention towrds this issue. We want prosperity in our country. Please spread the word, and awareness. Support Latvia

Atslegas vārdi: Jobs4

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Komentāri (6)

Dzēsts profils 8. aug 2011. 22:57

I agree with the general philosophy for more investment and job creation in Latvia, however, why are you talking down Latvia?

Latvia acted quickly with the correct painful measures and is now out of recession, GROWING and a lot more efficient... whilst most of the rest of EU/US is still just talking about austerity measures and fixing their economies..

Remember Latvia still has a large "black" economy that distorts official government figures on unemployment. Just look at the queues at resturants or the crowds at the shopping mall sales!
btw.. Latvia has per-capita one of the largest year on year growths in new car registrations in the EU

Investors are pulling out of the UK, US and many EU countries as their economies continue to fail.. Latvia has an opportunity to grab some of this investment, particularly in creating "added value" industries enabling World wide exports of processed goods rather than just raw materials.

If Latvians emphasised all the good and great they have achieved in recent decades and years rather than grumbling at a few negatives, maybe that investment would be quicker and bigger :-)

Jan V. 7. aug 2011. 23:48

You have business mind... i appreciate your work... very good...

Dzēsts profils 7. aug 2011. 22:39

Diana you are nice lady !

Dzēsts profils 7. aug 2011. 03:59


William W. 7. aug 2011. 01:42

Well are world and specially best people hope for the best. And then they become entrepreneurs. Nothing is impossible. This is my and my mates mission. And thanks to Thomos for opening a page on facebook About this.

Dzēsts profils 7. aug 2011. 01:25

Although the idea is one to be encouraged I don't think you'll make a lot of difference by posting this statement here.

