I am Barrister Edison John,from Lome-Togo West Africa and have been a personal lawyer to your cousin, I am contacting you in respect of his deposited fund of (Us$9.5Million) which was deposited in bank here in Togo West Africa before he met untimely death in October,2013 at Gbosime express road with his families during their long vacation.
His bank where the fund is deposited issued me a notice to present or bring your cousin's next of kin to receive his deposited fund.This is why i contacted you so that we can both team up and transact it together because you are a foreigner and stand a better chance to claim the fund under my close supervision because you bear the same surname with this my late client in question.
Reply me only on this Email ( edisonjohn228@live.com )
Barrister Edison John
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