iamWalter t. December 5 2012 22:21

BUT aiga, sorry why dont you simply BLOCK this handicapped thumoral idiot?

in record «Oldies are goodies!»
Kevin M. December 5 2012 22:18

I think you a dreaming seeing as your face is so piss ugly that no woman would give you the time of day no matter how much money you are prepared to throw at them   . Cunt....lol

in record «Walter thing ... !»
Kevin M. December 5 2012 22:16

All I hear is a twat chatting breeze lol . Go play with your "friends".... Or maybe call your lawyer or the police?? Idiot lol

in record «Oldies are goodies!»
iamWalter t. December 5 2012 22:04

i hear some flyes around or mosquitos....do you hear the same sweet aiga? anyway to answear to your question about my friend list, YES i have now more than 1108 friends and if you want to join me, you should simply send me your request for friendship
i will evaluate if you can be part of my circle of friends but surely you can be it, i have no doubt. the only thingh is that i tend to avoid junk request or from those people who could be potentially annoying me
but again i think that you could admit, maybe, just try and we will see
yours forever

in record «Oldies are goodies!»
iamWalter t. December 5 2012 21:48

i fully understand your blog Ronald esquire but as you can see ....others are puzzled because either lorry drivers or unemployed from immigrants origin
i am walter...walter the best

in record «About banks and wife.»
Kevin M. December 5 2012 18:08

and please, show us your face! we all need a good laugh lol

in record «Walter thing ... !»
Kevin M. December 5 2012 18:07

yes elaborate further you greasy bald ugly stinking wop! come on! we are waiting for your valuable insights lol

in record «Walter thing ... !»
Blocked profile December 5 2012 18:07

How Italians man understanding Latvian girl they no speak Latvian or British mans also not speakings Latvian?

in record «Walter thing ... !»
Kevin M. December 5 2012 18:04

oh shut up waltere lol....your full of shit lol. no court or webmaster is gonna help you here, stop repeating the same shit to us please. makes you look an even bigger idiot than we know you are! god....what a pratt lol. And regarding this blog....if you didnt want to "pollute" it as you put it then why not start one of your own? idiot

in record «Oldies are goodies!»
iamWalter t. December 5 2012 17:32

i know many information now to send to the court and ask you for prosecution, damn UK people
i have already contacted the webmaster lady who will take internal action sooner
aiga, i know that you are telling that this does not concern your blog but i couldnt keep it inside
anyway i continue to love you as it was before

in record «Oldies are goodies!»
Aiga N. December 5 2012 13:54

Oh, yes, guys! Must live in present, live for the moment, never know what happens after! Past it like an evil shadow. There is no good, i mean, to live in past, trying to take back something from there. It's gone! Though there is no present without past, but it is history and that's it!

in record «Oldies are goodies!»
Blocked profile December 4 2012 21:35

you are right there kevin no good living in the past.
i think of the present and the future as you cannot live on your past its gone though everyone learns from their past.

in record «Oldies are goodies!»
Kevin M. December 4 2012 20:35

of course you can never forget the past good or bad....just dont live in it ;)

in record «Oldies are goodies!»
Blocked profile December 4 2012 20:19

kevin yes the present and future is what you make of it .the past is gone but many happy memories of it

in record «Oldies are goodies!»
Kevin M. December 4 2012 20:08

fuck me john! your showing your age there son ;)). just kidding dude, yeah i remember the old music cassette players and vhs and betamax video tapes lol....god....it seems like eons ago now.....The best way to live your life in my opinion is in the moment, the present... because thats all there is right now... stop ruminating about the past or worrying what might be in the future, all you ever really have is now! Easier said than done i grant you, but if you can practise being present as much as possible your life will surely be the better for it ;) . Ok im starting to sound like a buddhist monk now   my rant is over ;)

in record «Oldies are goodies!»
Blocked profile December 4 2012 19:21

Nice blog that Aiga,
Yes the world has changed so much.
I remember when color television came,video tapes,dvd`s,cd`s,mobile phones first as a large hand phone and computers.
With this progress you are right some things have happened like air pollution,more buildings going up everywhere getting rid of the open spaces etc.
I was in Manchester today and saw retro sweets were on sale from the 1970`s brought back memories.
I also saw old toy cars on a Christmas stall i always wonder where our old toys went when we were children.
Some places still have areas like the old times i know there is in Tallinn and near Kiev also many places have old towns.There are also castles in Britain,France,Czech Republic,Germany and many other countries as well as palaces and stately homes.
As for life being great its what you make of it whether lucky enough to travel and see interesting places whether in your own country or other ones,eat good food,listen to good music,have good family and friends or have met the right person to share your life with.            

in record «Oldies are goodies!»
Blocked profile December 4 2012 18:35

To Me Lovely, I refuse to grow up, I too remember these days of youth, now its
still here but just a little different, but still I refuse to grow up, 6 times around the world, wrestled everywhere, built alot of buildings, but I still refuse to grow up :))))

in record «Oldies are goodies!»
Kevin M. December 4 2012 16:58

i like the skyfall song she did, although im not actually a james bond geek!  

in record «Oldies are goodies!»
Aiga N. December 4 2012 16:53

These are much better for my ears from her:




because i prefer fast songs or faster than slow :P

in record «Oldies are goodies!»
Kevin M. December 4 2012 16:45

not an oldie this but still a goodie ;).Shes from Tottenham like myself lol.... big love to Adele!! :)))

in record «Oldies are goodies!»
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