Blocked profile December 2 2012 13:14

You are the absolute idiot of 100 %!!!
I NEVER WAS MEETING WITH WALTERE! It is his sick imagination and the bald lie. He never was in the list of my friends!
I always wrote comments that he is the sick person. That he is the idiot! I always protected people by  who  was offended from him .
Therefore it is disgustful to me to read your false comments on!

Kevin M. December 2 2012 12:59

We all know you met him and that's that! Lol.... Talking of idiots I'm speaking to one right now! An old saggy one! Lol

Blocked profile December 2 2012 12:56

I have told - you are the same idiot as Waltere!
On this site many know, that he is a disgustingly says lies and writes what never was. It is necessary to be the absolute idiot to trust even to one word which has told Waltere!

Kevin M. December 2 2012 12:52

The only people I offend here is you and Waltere... The biggest morons on this site..... And I will continue to do so , so get over it! Who are you to judge anyone ? Your just some sad lonely old woman who was desperate enough to meet Waltere lol. Whatever you say means nothing, is worth nothing.... Just like you!)))

Kevin M. December 2 2012 12:49

You would know all about dirty vermin, in fact you are an expert on it! You met Waltere at the reval remember? Lol. Don't try and give it the big gun here granny I will slap you down an embarrass you everytime lol

Blocked profile December 2 2012 12:46

Kevin Mulqueen 12:24
You are a dirty pig!
You are same as Waltere!
You and Waltere offend people.. But you do not know these people! Therefore - you are the disgusting person who considers itself as the standard of honour.
Actually - you are a dirty vermin!

Kevin M. December 2 2012 12:24

And you are a freak of nature.... An old woman trying to retain her youth conversing with dicks like Waltere lol..... One word.....IDIOT

Kevin M. December 2 2012 12:22

Stop repeating yourself's very very boring!

Blocked profile December 2 2012 12:17

Kevin Mulqueen 09:56

You not  the man! You are a mistake of the nature!  

Kevin M. December 2 2012 09:56

Old skin.....I am not the one deleting posts because I have no backbone! Also I don't post gayporn photos lol. Glad to see you are defending your scumball mate Waltere! No surprise there lol. And what do you post on this site.... Hmmm let me see ..... Inane drivel . Go back to filling the cracks in your old face with make up  

iamWalter t. December 2 2012 08:44

aiga, either you are a single lady living in norway because your parents are divorced and you survive in the house of your father (you told me this)
or you live in riga and then we can meet in hotel roma or in vecriga but you should come alone and not with your boyfriend (maybe russian with tatoo and smoking).
please decide who you are and what you want from life
i can help you if this is the problem but i dont want to be your open bank account!!!

Blocked profile December 2 2012 08:42

Kevin Mulqueen 01:40

You are a  person who posts filth on this website ALSO !!!!!!

Aiga N. December 2 2012 03:02

I never had a lack of anything, Waltere, but you have. Be more confident about yourself and then we will talk as adults. That has nothing to do with my age! Im more adults than you, who has problems with personality. Can you decide who you are? An animal, boat, Walter, Giovanni or?

OK, if you are so great to judge, lets meet face to face in Riga as you are so often then for business. Let's do it! Are you brave enough? Or again you will throw shit towards me? It's now or never!

Kevin M. December 2 2012 01:40

Lack of efficient judgement? This is from the person who posts filth on this website....

Blocked profile December 2 2012 01:14

Tells Aiga to grow up he like Peter Pan he has never grown up he still wears nappies and sucks mummy breasts for milk.

iamWalter t. December 2 2012 01:08

you need to grow up a little bit aiga as you have some lack of efficient judgement

you will understand when you get more than your age

Kevin M. December 1 2012 23:33

He's so simple you couldn't even discuss the colour of orange juice with him!!!lol

Karim X. December 1 2012 23:31

It's long ago someone has hacked his peanut brain! lol

Kevin M. December 1 2012 23:28

No hacker here after him....all in his tiny mind! Lol

Karim X. December 1 2012 23:20

He thinks there is a hacker after him... but who really cares about him??? A hacker would have deleted him for long ago ;) What shows he's an imbecile is that he doesn't get why EVERYBODY hates him here... why nobody is on his side ;) If he was behaving intentionally here, I would understand... but no, he IS what he writes and say! A total soup of nonsense ... just read his old blogs and u will understand!!

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