Karim X. December 1 2012 23:09

Plus he creates so much pollution here! Blogs should be where we exchange ideas, opinions, share music... But he turned it into a gayporn and nonsense place! Kick him out of here!! The ignorant gay racist ugly Italian cunt's time on Amigos is OVER!!!!

Kevin M. December 1 2012 22:59

Karim is 100% right. You are advised to delete and block this parasite especially if you are female. Converse with this idiot at your own risk!

Karim X. December 1 2012 22:54

So watch out people and especially girls, this guy is an unstable pervert changing 3 times a minute is identity not to be caught! My advice : delete him from your contacts, tell your other friends to do the same and block him!

Kevin M. December 1 2012 22:25

Go to court then! Lol.....see how far that gets you! The same as calling the police idiot! Lol. You are a homosexual who uses many different names and profiles to post pictures if your cock fetish! Your time here is coming to and end!! LOL

iamWalter t. December 1 2012 21:44

if you say again this i can record this a nd sue you to court
watch out idiot analphapet lorry driver!

Kevin M. December 1 2012 13:20

I think you right!

OLMECA D. December 1 2012 13:06

yeah body there are a lot sexuality photo walter's profile.i think he is a gay man...

Kevin M. December 1 2012 12:36

You can talk Walter! Look at all the pictures of naked men and the disgusting videos you put up! Lol....IDIOT!!!!

OLMECA D. December 1 2012 11:20

Heyy walter who are you that warn me?? and this should be a bad joke...there are a lot of pornography photos,honor,sexuality.... things!!!why dont you like rihanna video clip that millions people watch her????

iamWalter t. December 1 2012 10:39

olmeca, i warn you! the user agreemnt clearly states that:

The images and photos published by the user must not
contain pornography,
hurt pride and honor,
contain undisclosed sexuality,
encourage the use of drugs and alcohol,
contain politically incorrect information,
violate any copyrights,
portray or induce to any illegal activity.

Blocked profile November 30 2012 23:00

good video i saw rihanna in concert last year.

Dario S. November 30 2012 06:52

love can also die as fast as it comes...
100% I agree .

Roger K. November 29 2012 17:36

Thats sound. ;)

Aiga N. November 29 2012 02:22

I would say it is possible, but in a way that you meet someone and want to meet him or her again and again until you end up as a couple or husband and wife. at the same time you live your life, but think of that person you met once and want to do it again. love can also die as fast as it comes...

Kevin M. November 28 2012 21:38

he was replying to the actual question that was asked by aiga on her blog.....nobody is interested in what you have to say!

in record «You and your friends»
iamWalter t. November 28 2012 20:56

sergio sorry but your comments is out of subject not really focussing on what i was saying earlier

in record «You and your friends»
Blocked profile November 28 2012 16:55


Blocked profile November 28 2012 16:55


Blocked profile November 27 2012 16:44


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