Kevin M. November 27 2012 00:09

We could even make some money from this!! I am sure there re plenty of people here who would pay for the privilege to participate in your public execution lol

Karim X. November 27 2012 00:06

We'll all queue to give a hand... Yes your fake Italian swine, you are THAT popular!! It's your triumph!

iamWalter t. November 27 2012 00:04

you are unemployed in the richest and wealfiest country in europe? eeeh??
and you are atheist, not christian? no ortodox?
OMG, i think i will leave soon this blog
but at the end of the day i admire you i like the way you take the life
you are gorgeous, number one yes nr 1 for me
i admire u i need you i love you

in record «You and your friends»
Kevin M. November 27 2012 00:03

I will even offer my services free of charge! It would be an honour to be the hangman!! :)))

Karim X. November 27 2012 00:01

Hang yourself please!! We'll all kindly participate in buying you a first class rope!!!

Karim X. November 26 2012 23:52

Well we just can't let him have the last word... sorry Aiga but e is a pest and we cannot let him spread it ... ;) Soon it is over, he is out of breath...

in record «You and your friends»
Aiga N. November 26 2012 23:48

Eeeee, guys, guys, enough :) Not on this blog, please.  

in record «You and your friends»
Kevin M. November 26 2012 23:45

Oh no "Waltere".... Your dreams have just been shattered lol

in record «You and your friends»
Blocked profile November 26 2012 23:44

Walter,Armando or whoever you are you are so stupid!
Why do you have two profiles are trying to gain more friends?
Don`t write things about people you know nothing about.
If people know you for what you are i am surprised you have any friends.
You are a disgusting person who needs to get a life and to grow up.
You sad and silly person.

in record «You and your friends»
Aiga N. November 26 2012 23:40

Armando Waltere Giovanni Mandez or whatever you names is, there is a big problem - I am an atheist. What is it going to be? Now you will burn those roses?

And what else, I am unemployed as well! CRISIS!!!

in record «You and your friends»
Karim X. November 26 2012 23:39

PLEASE YES LEAVE!!!!!!!!!!!! Then I'll believe in any God u want!! Delete your profile and stop annoying everybody here!


in record «You and your friends»
iamWalter t. November 26 2012 23:25

cau it is time to leave this website and go out with me
i feel like offering a bigh basket of white roses
please dont follow these criminals in amigos
they are unemployed, poor and probably atheists
follow me

in record «You and your friends»
Blocked profile November 26 2012 15:30

With friends or even relationships people tend to have them with similar interests some of the same characteristics etc.
Some things can very though musical tastes or even the type of film you may watch.
Basically you have things in common with each other.
As for horoscopes some people are compatible through them and are like their zodiac
sign.I think in some cases zodiac signs can work as good matches but also ones that are not meant to be good matches do also.

in record «You and your friends»
Dario S. November 26 2012 01:07

I agree , the ppl that we choose to make real friendship with , they are a kind of the mirror of our personality , we chose them because they have and hold things (personality , good heart , character  ...etc )  that we like and use to see , from our friends you can understand our personality & from your friends I can understand your personality , but friends not suppose to have the same interest , maybe they have and maybe not .
and horoscope sign work in many cases , exactly when you choose your partner , but sometimes possible to fall down too .
Kind Regards

in record «You and your friends»
Kevin M. November 26 2012 00:25

Agreed, of course there needs to be some commonalities, shared interests ,opinions maybe same sense of humour etc but there also needs to be some challenging total opposites in some ways. Keeps it fresh. Its like ying and yang, day and night....opposites.... but neither is complete without the other :)

in record «You and your friends»
Aiga N. November 25 2012 23:48

Yes, indeed. If both are the same, they has nothing to give, teach to the other person...

in record «You and your friends»
Kevin M. November 25 2012 23:29

They say opposites attract though

in record «You and your friends»
Blocked profile November 25 2012 21:39

marina shapovalova 21:35

he is an idiot him you should blog against him he is not a nice person.he is weird and strange.

sedat dobruca 21:01

Look what idiot Walter write. He is definately stupid...

Waltere Thebest 01:21
sorry thought you was that marina woman i want to fuck

Sedat dobruca 01:18

Waltere Thebest 00:17
tu stulbs, tauku un neglīts dzēst man i to prasa!

Kevin M. November 25 2012 11:18

Waltere are your brain dead racist ramblings that of a prick or an asshole? We all know you are intimate friends with the men in the penis pictures you keep posting!

iamWalter t. November 25 2012 10:13

roger are you intimate friend of the arab immigrant? are you both the result of the new arab generation who is trying to delete the european values of christianity and integrity?
we dont need punjab or safran or bakshish
now you go home and work as waiter or lorry driver and shut up!

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