Zeeshan R. September 8 2011 22:37


iamWalter t. September 8 2011 21:30

sorry my name is walter not rob....or....you don't like to talk with me anymore????

in record «Karlis Skrastins»
Karim X. September 8 2011 17:58

Yes he was a great and irreplaceable player... Even more sad for his pregnant wife...

Blocked profile September 8 2011 08:15

You know, Rob, maybe you have heard of this saying but since rather recently another one of the legendary hockey players died too early, then people now are saying like this:
"First Zoltoks, now Skrastins.. perhaps they are picking out the star team up there"

in record «Karlis Skrastins»
rob d. September 7 2011 23:34

I used to watch Brad McCrimmon play for my home town Philadelphia Flyers back in the 1980s.  Just very sad news for so many people.  :(

Blocked profile September 7 2011 22:16

Seriously? Topulev? How are they ever allowing them to be anywhere near airfields nowadays?

in record «Karlis Skrastins»
iamWalter t. September 7 2011 21:58

i do agree with lizzy. this is the third air accident in one month in the region. the russian civil aviation still continue to let using old planes from the 60's and 70's (yak and antonov) without any security standards. once i flew to sofia in BG with an old tupolev...well...the cabin was made of wood and the seats were like in the tram, two in front and two behind. i couldn't believe it. the first class ambience was divided by a strong wooden door (not  light curtains) so that the socialist belief could show to the travellers how nice is to fly in first class as members of the nomenklatura of the communist party.

in record «Karlis Skrastins»
Blocked profile September 7 2011 20:04

So... He was among the poor people? When I was reading the news, it was still not clear. A friend of mine said that our neighbour (Russia) should once and for all start thinking about their people and stop using old and potentially dangerous equipment (so many examples, especially this year: ferries, planes... you name it).

in record «Karlis Skrastins»
met s. September 6 2011 23:29

hey mr waltere maltere, mr devkant is searching real girls, and try to get their videos, passports and etc, this is his idea and his problem.
you like politics or inflation or etc, unemployment; latvian economy is still get worse because of tourists from italian, uk, german etc, man tourists. you can know why.
If you wanna help latvia, dont go to latvia, just send money to some fund in lv.
This can be more helpful to there. good evening.

met s. September 6 2011 23:14

waltere thebestuser is so funny human, lets check his messages below :D :D

met s. September 6 2011 23:13

waltere thebest 23:11
i wish you die tonight with an herth attack, ah ah ah

met s. September 6 2011 23:11

waltere thebest 23:07
another messages and you are deleted from amigos, be careful dead man walking

Devkant A. September 6 2011 23:10

Mr. Waltere!!!
Please see the profile and blog of dkanand

met s. September 6 2011 23:10

waltere thebest 23:02

met s. September 6 2011 23:08

Ok, waltere, write here your ideas. this is just a blog. ;) write things about your intelligent man, ok?

iamWalter t. September 6 2011 23:06

why dont you post a blog about unemployement in latvia inflation raise of criminality, speculation or even about bribery, corruption in public administration and political adjustments?? why not?

met s. September 6 2011 23:06

I told you, dont write here, you dont understand? you can call police as you wrote to me, I dont care. Just live in your world. Be careful.

iamWalter t. September 6 2011 23:04

met stambula wrote at 22:52

"be careful while writing on my blog."

Hei, are you try to threathning me? who do you think you are???

Devkant A. September 6 2011 23:03

Mr. Waltere!!!
The whole world is idiot for an idiot person, definitely you are maintaining any Fake Girl's Profile??? And so this is an idiot blog to you.

iamWalter t. September 6 2011 22:46

OMG what an idiot blogs we have today.....

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