Blocked profile August 25 2011 13:46

I  meet  a sexy lady in  Argentina  from  Bueno aires - and she can bild  HIGHWAY_AUTOMAGISTRALE

From there til europa with oll penis what she had in her life .

And she was very praud  

Blocked profile August 25 2011 13:20

To me if it doesn't mean anything then why do it, It's been 7 years for me, I know it's along time but these days, I'd rather be safe than be sorry...... HIV "No Thanks"

Blocked profile August 25 2011 12:57

Well, this book is more a biology book about evolution, but that particular chapter enlightens the basis of sexual (or biologically speaking - reproductive) relationships which are quite similar among the animals in general.
Of course, kama sutra is another aspect of it, but that apparently didn't answer the particular question you are asking in the title, because it gave the opposite thought.

Exotic G. August 25 2011 11:40

Thanks for the reference, i will try to get this book, i have studied original kamasutra shastra........ and you will be surprised that this sexual liberty of women, how they must conduct themselves and ready themselves etc was spoken very nicely and respectfully thousands of years ago....... it means that women sexual liberty was prevalent from thousands of years ago and the same can be seen in sculptors in India and the eastern region............ polygamy and free indulgence in sex was very much there but not in the public domain.......... my point is same...........we dont have to print in news papers the sexual liberty of women and nothing wrong ( if she takes all reasonable protection and clever decisions) if she decides to have some no strings attached fun on the side.............. nothing wrong or bad in it ..........:))))

Blocked profile August 25 2011 11:34

If I was you, I would read the book "Selfish gene" by Richard Dawkins, at least the chapter on the battle of sexes and how the various commitment/philandering strategies are being kept. That might give you a good idea why women nowadays can be free to have relationships, but that in essence it goes deep down to instincts. You would be surprised how much of our actions are actually governed or at least influenced by ancient biological instincts.

Exotic G. August 25 2011 11:29

risk is in all aspects of life ... but ur points are taken well

Blocked profile August 25 2011 11:24

Yes, there are plenty of protection but there's nothing that is 100% sure, except for total abstinence. Therefore there is always a risk involved.

Exotic G. August 25 2011 10:58

Dear Lizzy -- Wonderful points.... but woman are clever, there is sufficient protection available for both sides to prevent accidental seed planting :)),
I would say that women who love sex and variety are anyways enjoying sex with many men as and when they get the chance............. men too are not very happy to announce that they sleep with many women.... (at least respectable men)...

So in the long thinking... i think these valid points that you have raised are not strong barriers.... for example if a woman husband cheats then women sees nothing wrong in cheating him ............ so what is the basis... if done in revenge ( a negative aspect) then it is OK ... and if done for pleasure ( positive aspect) then a slut ?? we need to think more on this ..................

Blocked profile August 25 2011 10:49

You have to realize the different biology involved. When a man sleeps with many woman, he is cool, he can be called a womanizer but still cool. When a woman sleeps with many men, she is just called a slut. That's how society thinks.
Secondly, women can have much more serious consequences from such one-night stands than men. Men can just go and spread their seed and then back out. It doesn't work like that for the women. That's why it has long been evolved in our thinking that women are looking for long term commitment and men - for as many as possible. of course, there are exceptions everywhere, but this is the general idea.

nichole t. August 17 2011 00:25

yes.. a lot people cheat now a days..i think it is because of we are more dominated by capitalistic world than our moral and ethical values.
And if someone thinks that they have cheated others then they are wrong,, infact a person who cheats others cheats him or herself more... so better to be clean and clear!!

tom h. August 16 2011 23:41

ı think no need chatter , they can make sex alltogether

your P. August 16 2011 17:10


your P. August 16 2011 16:56


Lukas A. August 16 2011 16:19

Yes You are right . I agree you, but for me I dont cheat any girls . Im allways seriouce with girls and you can just take a look on my profile then you will see

Blocked profile August 16 2011 08:09

Eyes wide shut      Tom Cruse , with Nicole Kidman    

Blocked profile August 16 2011 07:53

Dzesika , i like to hear you happy smiling , we can tolk ? and have together fun abaut coments ,    

Blocked profile August 16 2011 05:06

Girls cheat with men's but men's also

dzesika s. August 16 2011 00:11

if it is really true that people do not understand what made ​​them from it that kills people is not no good I agreed because we are the same all the people not the dog kills del money not to use drugs, I do not agree people need to be friendly and good rather than bad, I think so, but this is not the world is a terrible

dzesika s. August 15 2011 23:54


Blocked profile August 15 2011 13:03

Oho this  vos one time discusion , with Lizy and other boys , they like but not with boyfrend with lower only then they are not a shay ,

then theuy like to tray oll what they see and here  

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