loeve d. May 20 2011 22:00

No, i am going to say this becuase i don't want my cheeks being slapped :D but it was interesting suggestion...  :D
Thanks dārgā Lizzy for corrections ;)

Blocked profile May 20 2011 21:02

Well, I have to say that there are mistakes in Walter's Latvian.
If you really want to go to a girl and say to her "you have such a beautiful breast(s?) dear girl", then you would say "Tev ir tiešām skaistas krūtis, dārgā meitene" (and then expect your well earned slap in the face).
"tu esi" means "you are", not "you have", you wouldn't want to tell her that she is a breast, however beautiful .
and "esi viena vai ar draugiem?" means "are you alone or with friends". Details, but important.

loeve d. May 20 2011 20:57

nice one,, i love walking in green fields.. It is very refreshing....

Blocked profile May 20 2011 20:18

agriculture. look to sky and think rayn or not to rayn. oh, dont speak too loud may cau look to chabagges!

ilga m. May 20 2011 08:33

haha. wow thats i guess a complamant about latvian womens???

in record «latvian girl friend»
Blocked profile May 20 2011 08:01

Do you want a girlfriend or an escort girl? It helps to know what one is looking for, or else you will never find it    

in record «latvian girl friend»
loeve d. May 19 2011 22:00

Liels Paldies.... ;)

iamWalter t. May 19 2011 21:27

tu esi smuitis krutis, meitene
you have such a beautiful breast dear girl

esi viena vair ar draughiem??
are u alone or engaged with a friend??

do you want some other similar examples for hunting lavian girls????

loeve d. May 19 2011 16:34

oooh Atvainojiet....paldies :D

loeve d. May 19 2011 16:33


Ian F. May 19 2011 13:46

Good luck, you'll need it

loeve d. May 18 2011 18:42

The journey of conquering  daunting Latvian language begins :)

Karim X. May 15 2011 20:46

You can stay for months in Latvia and never get bored :) For party Riga center and old town is the best in all Latvia even if you can find smaller fun parties in many cities. To visit well Sigulda and Turaida, Livani national park and seaside. Ventspils Kolka or more north the rocky seaside after Tuja. But well every region of Latvia has many spots worth to discover and a good summer party near a fire or a sauna can be as fun as a big club in Riga

iamWalter t. May 15 2011 18:59

but i mean russian family origin of Latvian, i repeat, latvian girls but with russian ancestrals. in riga you can easily meet those girls near the hotel roma, while the real latvian girls are around the park and the university entrance. the best place to have a chat is the skyline bar at the reval hotel but you should be there around 7 pm and be somehow smiling and well dressed and of course available to offer to drink.

Exotic G. May 15 2011 17:50

Yes and it keeps coming out in different forms........ the need to balance this % is the key to health. We fail to recognise the importance of plain water.

Ian F. May 15 2011 17:48

We are 60% made of water

Ian F. May 15 2011 14:47

Anyway, if you did want Russian girls in bikinis I understand Spain is the best place for that or Cyprus (greek side)

Rod F. May 14 2011 22:30

Sigulda, Liepaja, Saulkrisit, and many other nice places.  More importantly is th share these nice experiences with good friends and family.  Think about your best memories and stories - almost always the best memories and experiences are with people we care about.  Also, pirts was a great experience for me the first time I went, and bobsledding in Sigulda, and the Ligo nakt - now that is a terrific tradition!  Enjoy and take care of your lovely country

Blocked profile May 14 2011 17:33

go to Balvi. Churchis, museum and parks all waiting for you!

loeve d. May 14 2011 16:33

Come on guys, it's about enjoying time, it is not about girls, I don;t think people are coming to latvia just for russian girls, If it;s about russian girls then go to russia,belrussia, and ukraine more big countires,
@ waltere, it;s not about spending money,,,,it's about torrism and spending time, If it;s about money then florence isn't best place to spend money, and florence isn't world most expensive and wealthiest city....

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