His questions and answers

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ILCapo D. february 12 2011 04:21 His answers

I Dance  all the night, and i feel I am died man

to question How are you?? :-D by Blocked profile
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ILCapo D. february 12 2011 04:19 His answers

Well, I found my self here. actually I need map cuz I am lost, where is the Exit??!

to question Why are you herE? :-D by Blocked profile
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ILCapo D. january 28 2011 17:01 His answers

i dont have answer

to question What is love by Ammar D.
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ILCapo D. september 6 2010 05:47 His answers

the pain comes from the child that live inside our self ,,, every single one from us have smalllll baby live inside him or her ..

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